Howard Dean Democrats Leading America Back to Greatness
Howard Dean is the DNC Chairperson. With his strong leadership the Democratic Party will
again champion the best policies to bring back the promise of the American Dream to all.
Smile @ Dean: Howard Dean: Leadership for America
Howard Dean Surges By RON FOURNIER, AP Political Writer December 13, 2003 (excerpts)
The task for Dean's rivals got harder last week when former Vice President Al Gore's endorsement gave the anti-war, Washington-outsider candidacy a stamp of approval from the ultimate insider. Democratic pollsters tracked an enormous initial bump in support for Dean.
A few Democratic governors moved closer to endorsing their former colleague, White House advisers braced GOP allies for a Dean nomination, and wary Democratic leaders intensified efforts to embolden one of the anti-Dean candidates.
"With Gore's endorsement, if Dean wins New Hampshire and Iowa and comes down here with momentum, he could win South Carolina and the nomination fight would be over. I would not have thought that was possible a month ago," said Joe Erwin, chairman of the South Carolina Democratic Party. [Complete Article]
People-Powered Howard Dean In New Hampshire, Howard Dean's Campaign Has Energized Voters
Hanna Rosin - Washington Post - Dec. 9, 2003; Page C01 (excerpts)
James Moore has come to Harriet Forkey's house to make his pitch for Howard Dean. The notion that the Dean campaign for the Democratic nomination is primarily an Internet-fueled phenomenon seems absurd when viewed from the living rooms of New Hampshire. Here it plays out like some sort of secular tent revival, winning over individual souls one at a time.
Every night 45 organizers trek to meetings with undecided voters in their homes -- about 1,100 group meetings have been held so far. The common denominator is less class than mood. "For me, the house meetings are about taking a moment out of life as usual to reflect on the meaning of life," says Lauren Popper, an organizer and former actress who's known to tear up at many of them. There are many reasons why Dean has shot to a 30-point lead in New Hampshire.... [Complete Article]